About Me

- Fabian
- 29 year-old Chemical Seed Operator Fabian from Swift Current, has many pursuits including meditation and watching sporting events. Has travelled ever since childhood and has visited numerous places, including Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison.
Hey thanks for visiting my Long Tail Pro 3.0 Review!
When it come comes to keyword study, it's vital aspect when it involves ranking ...
When I initially got going blogging as well as Search Engine Optimization, I never utilized to target any audience and even worse never ever went after keywords people were researching for ...
I did that for an entire 6 months as well as I found out the hard way.
Imagine blogging daily for 6 months and also you have absolutely nothing to reveal for?
It can be very disheartening yet I really did not lose hope ...
Once I pertained to my feelings as well as finally started to do keyword research study the right way, the revenue I made online sky rocketed ...
So in this article, I am likelying to walk you via Long Tail PRO 3.0 as well as why you ought to have this in your tool belt ...
Long Tail PRO 3.0 Review – Keyword Research
Before Long Tail PRO went along, I used to make use of "Google Planner" which is an excellent device, but it leaves a lot of the essential information out ...
And also the MOST essential piece of information is competition ...
You see, Google Planner has a competitors table like the photo below:
However, this isn't really competitors when it involves positions, it's just marketing competitors ...
Below is an example of the Google Advertisements:
Everything in that red box over are Advertisements created by individuals that in fact pay to be there. This is called "Pay Per Click" or PPC.
Now, this can be extremely pricey depending on the specific niche ...
In this "Make Money Online" instance, Cost Per Click varieties from $2-$3!
So if ONE HUNDRED people clicked your ad, it would cost you $200-$300 ...
Okay listen now ...
If you are serious about ranking on Google, you need to know the proper competitors ...
Why I say that is this ...
If you pass Google Planner, you would not know if that key words is affordable or not ...
If it's super affordable as well as you have a brand-new blog, you possibly will NEVER place for it ...
So How Can Long Tail PRO 3.0 Help?
I know how tough it can be to do the ideal key phrase research that you can really place for ...
Before it was a lot of trial and error, however with Long Tail PRO 3.0, it's really a great deal simpler compared to you think ...
Heck, I also located keywords that have a cost each click of $ONE HUNDRED (High Advertisement Competition) but are very easy to place for on Google thanks to the information in Long Tail PRO offers you ...