Feb. 12, 2016: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Kramer reunited with owner in LA

Touching Reunion Caught on Video

Kramer, a Goldendoodle who helps his owner cope with anxiety, disappeared from his Los Angeles home just before Christmas. It was especially difficult timing because his owner, Nik Glaser, had already accepted a new job in Seattle, and had to move. But he did everything he could to find Kramer, including filing a police report, setting up his own tip line and a Bring Kramer Home Facebook page, and flying back to L.A. several times in search of his best friend. On Tuesday, Kramer was finally located when a woman posted a photo of a dog on his Facebook page asking, "Could this be your Kramer at the South L.A. Shelter?" It was him -- and a few hours later, Glaser was on a flight to L.A. to get him. Kramer was thrilled to be reunited with his buddy in time for Valentine's Day. A sweet video captures Kramer's reaction to seeing Glaser for the first time in nearly two months, jumping all over him and smothering him in kisses. They're now back in their new Seattle home together. -- Watch it at People Pets

Hero Dog Heads to Westminster

When the 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens in New York on Monday, there will be 2,700 contenders -- including a special Shiba Inu who helped save his owner from a house fire in October. As smoke started to fill her second-floor bedroom, Tomi jumped hard onto his owner Julia Haight's bed and pounced on her from heard to toe, trying to wake her. "He's normally catlike, very graceful. But he was violently shaking. It wasn't like him at all," Haight said. Haight realized what was happening and escaped from her Hicksville, New York, home, along with Tomi and the other four people in the home. "He was telling me something was wrong. Somehow, he knew," Haight said. Tomi is one of 14 Shiba Inus entered in the prestigious show. -- Read it from the AP

Tiny Albino Sea Turtle Heads Out to Sea

Crowds gathered to watch on Castaways Beach in Australia as a rare albino green sea turtle scrambled out of its nest and down to the ocean. The odds of a green sea turtle being albino is only one in many hundreds of thousands. Onlookers cheered as the little one made it the water's edge and swam away. -- Watch it from AFP via Science Daily

Image: Manatees in Springs 2016

Manatees Flock to Warm Springs

As temperatures dipped below 50 degrees along Florida's Gulf Coast on Thursday morning, about 500 manatees crowded into the 72-degree waters at Three Sisters Springs to warm up. "They're spending the vast majority of the time resting and conserving energy," said Ivan Vincente, a visitor services specialist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. He said the creatures have been hanging out at the springs for weeks because of the cold weather. Manatees can suffer from hypothermia and cold stress if they're in water below 68 degrees. -- Watch it from AP via Yahoo

Firefighters Revive Dog After Blaze

A Golden Retriever is alive after a fire in his Vancouver, Canada, home thanks to firefighters who went out of their way to save him on Sunday. His owner, Jaime Martinez, 29, and his roommate had gone out to get dinner when the fire started. When they returned close to midnight, they feared the worst when they found firefighters helping the motionless dog outside on the lawn. The fast-thinking crew had rigged up an oxygen mask for 10-year-old Nero by cutting a human oxygen mask in half to fit over his snout. After 15 minutes, the dog was able to stand up and drink some water. As he was helped into a neighbor's van to go to the veterinarian, he was wagging his tail. He's now on antibiotics and is expected to recover, Martinez said. -- Watch it at Canada's The Province

Saturday, February 6, 2016
Jimmy Fallon called in his famous Puppy Predictors -- nine fluffy Golden Retrievers -- on the Tonight Show on Thursday to see who they were going for in Super Bowl 50. After getting a pep talk from Fallon, who told them he wanted to "see a clean vote," he released the pups to see whether more of them would go for the kibble in the bowl marked Panthers or Broncos. There was a very clear winner. "Landslide, landslide, landslide right there!" Fallon said. "I think it's obvious, the winner are the Denver Broncos!"